Monday, May 26, 2014

Un-Paper Kitchen Towels, and a Commute

I made a commitment to myself to do a couple earth friendly, and cost cutting things for myself last year.  The first was to start bike commuting, I'd wanted a road bike for a long time but the thing is they are expensive.  I figured with gas being so high if I simply eliminated my commute I would save myself nearly $10/day, and get my workout in the process.  It has not always been easy, I have gotten quite a few flat tires, and I have wrecked a few times.  (Not in the get hurt way but in the "Oh my heck did anyone just see that?!!?" kind of way)  I do love my bike though and have never regretted the commitment, it is so much fun and only adds an additional 15 minuets to my commute.  Not to shabby!  
The other project I am going to share...

I kicked my paper towels out the door, (or at least to the cupboard for the few and far between times I don't want to ruin my towels ex. bacon).  I found that my family was using so many paper towels and these were the perfect solution.  I simply wash and re-use, simple, cheap, and earth friendly!
These are quick to make, and will pay for themselves in the first couple months of use!
These will make a great addition to my Sweet Fall Table Topper

I am hoping you will make a earth friendly commitment in your house as well!

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